Explore Mwaro


Kwa Miganda, Karambi Eco-Cultural Heritage is a One-Stop-Center for learning some aspects of Burundi Ancestral Knowledge such as the use of natural and indigenous species of plants and trees, traditional technology related to food preparation and conservation, preparation of local wine from sorghum or banana, traditional art and handcraft.

trees in Mpotsa forest in Mwaro province, in Burundi


The Mpotsa forest, in Rusaka commune, Mwaro province, is a historical-tourist site. It was here that the queen mothers were buried. There are 4 tombs of 4 queen-mothers: INAMUTAGA MBIKIJE, INAMWAMBUTSA, INAMWEZI GISABO and INANTARE RUGAMBA.

These waters flow through a gallery forest surrounded by a savannah


Located in the Kayokwe commune of the province of Mwaro, this site of Agasumo ka Mwaro always arouses enthusiasm. This waterfall would have miraculous virtues A place steeped in history and culture where KUBANDWA was practiced

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