Explore Kirundo

Two swans land on the lake with outstretched wings.

Lake Rwihinda Natural Reserve

Lake Rwihinda Natural Reserve is located in the northern part of Burundi close to a town of Kirundo near the Rwanda border.It was formerly known as Lac aux Oiseaux meaning Bird Lake.It is the best for filming birds in Burundi,it also great for filming fish villages and agricultural farmlands.

A flock of birds on the lake at sunset.

Cohoha lake

Lake Cohoha is a small lake in East Africa. It straddles the border between Burundi and Rwanda. It is a narrow yet very long lake with many branches. It is 32 km (20 mi) in length, and has an average of 1 km (1 mi) in width (maximum width is 2 km (1 mi)). The lake is 74 km2 (30 sq mi), of which 19 km2 (10 sq mi) are in Rwanda and 55 km2 (20 sq mi) belong to Burundi.

The Intore group sitting down one next to another one of them lifting a Burundian flag


It is a dance of the traditional Mwami warriors of Burundi. It is found in the Bugesera region precisely in the commune of Busoni where it has remained inked until today.

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